What a beautiful day to start a new month! A little chilly for my tastes, but the sun is shining and the birds are out in abundance, singing their happy songs. I don't remember where I read this, but it makes me very happy:
A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.
Another great way to begin the month, I made the Dean's List! You have to have a semester GPA of 3.6 or higher while taking 15+ hours. Last semester I made the Merit List, which I nicknamed the 'baby' Dean's List. 3 semesters ago, I lost my HOPE and almost lost hope of getting my degree from my dream school, but now look at me.

Sitting in the woods, listening to the beautiful bird song filtering through the canopy, I read
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
SPOILER ALERT. It is a brilliant short story about a woman and her battle with "hysteria". To me, the story illustrates a sort of... peer pressure? In the beginning the woman is convinced that her husband doesn't really know what he's talking about, that she is not sick. Being written from her point of view, the story also starts out fairly coherent, normal. Though her husband continues telling her she is "sick" that they cannot leave where they are staying until she gets "better". He wants to keep her from writing down her thoughts, as he believes this will not help with her "condition". This leads the woman to write in secret, not to trust anyone. But the end of the stories 30-or-so pages, she is definitely, beyond a doubt, crazy... But she only became this way because everyone who surrounded her believed she was "sick"- and this lead her to believe it, making it true. Do you see what I'm saying by peer pressure? I'm sure there's a different/better way to say it, but I cannot currently think of it.
This is standard literature for the English classes at my college, so this is my second time visiting this story, and I still liked it. There are new details that I never noticed before- if you have read this already, I suggest you giving it another shot, whether you liked it or not.
April was a good/stressful month. I
- made it through final's week, and at one point had 5 performances in 5 days.
- passed by end-of-semester juries with flying colors
- visited Harry Potter world with my wonderful boyfriend
- made my first payment on my class ring
- found out who my real friends are.
- made an A on a 20 page research paper, and passed my English class
Have a good May, guys!
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