Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Working in a library...

Today I checked out two books. The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and The Penelopiad by Margret Atwood. Yesterday, I also checked out two books. A book of solo piano pieces (which doesn't really count, but still counts) and The Mad Scientist's Guide to World Domination, a collection of short stories about mad scientists... obviously. I am also still reading (and am almost half way through) The Girl Who Fell From The Sky. Usually, at least one of these books would be cast aside, unfinished by my bedside. And that book would wonder what it did wrong, why it was chosen as the weakest link. To the books that have experienced that, I am deeply apologetic. However, I am going to challenge myself to finish all of these books (and learn ONE piano piece) before I return them.

It's a daily struggle working in a library. There are so many different stories waiting to be read, to be let out of their bindings and into someone's heart. And I want to read all of them! Err... most of them. :) I love my job because of the fact that it's at a library, and generally libraries attract nerdy people, making the library staff and other student workers (usually) awesome. But I don't like my job. Because when I'm in a library I just want to sit around and read all day, drinking coffee; walk through the shelves and find interesting titles. The rare book room is definitely my favorite- who doesn't like pretty, old books? But I sit at a desk most of the day. While this gives me ample time to work on my blog, but I want to read more, so I am going to. 

During the past few years I kind of fell into a not-reading-funk. I usually don't have any time to read for pleasure on top of my classes during the semester and working here. So I'm going to start taking advantage of what free time I have this summer, in between doing awesome things and working, to read read read read read read. 

Working in a library  has made me want to read again-  and for that I am eternally grateful to this library and university, as well as it's wonderful staff members.

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