Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Bonding With Old Friends, Making New Ones

River Street at Sunset.
I just want to let you guys know that I had an amazing week last week. There were some bumps in the road, such is life, but that's okay! I'm not letting it bring me down! First of all, it's always great to get an (almost) all expenses paid trip to Savannah with some of the best people I know! The tail end of last week was the GMEA Conference in Savannah, Georgia. For people who aren't into music education, that's the Georgia Music Educators Association. So yeah, I basically nerded out the whole time a completely moderate amount of time. Unfortunately, this is the last year of it being in Savannah... boo!
My choir director was invited to teach a session at the conference, so of course all of the choir had to go. It was an unbelievable time of learning more about my trade, spending time with my best friends and getting to know new people in the choir! I would say that after this trip I have at least one new friend. I'm so thankful that the opportunity this trip gave us to bond as a group. Sure, we all went our separate ways, but I still got to know people that I didn't know as well before. We ate some damn good food (looking back I should have taken pictures of it...), ran around Savannah trying to make it to sessions and concerts on time, but mostly we laughed and had a great time.
I do regret one thing that is worth speaking about in this blog:
I did not take enough photos of the beautiful city.

Christ Church, Savannah, Ga.
Pictured above is Christ Church. That is not my choir performing, but that choir did do a phenomenal job! This is however the space that our session was held in. Isn't it gorgeous? The acoustics were amazing, but not distracting to us. The sound rang, but we could only hear it when we paused to take breaths, or after a song was finished. Every choir that we heard in that church sounded like angels in this space. 
It also brought back many memories for me of Freshman year when I performed in this church with the All-College Choir. When I was a senior in high school I was in the All-State Choir, and I thought it was amazing. An experience that I will hold dear for the rest of my life, but as that was a high school choir,  All-College just trumps All-State so hard. I regret to this day not buying the CD of our performance that year.

Accidental photo of Rachel.
Scarves that I purchased at the conference!
Honestly, after the conference my week was not nearly as exciting. I finished hats for gifts for my lovely roommates (below), and of course they loved them. Part of crocheting that I find so satisfying is that I get to keep people that I care about warm.

 In other crocheting news, I started a hat out of fisherman's wool, but am still working on it. I've also had several ideas for hats using scrap yarn, and started a hat using my Red Heart Magical yarn in Chrystal Ball. If you have a nice Micheal's near you, go pick some up! It's such a joy.
I also went home for a little while, and got some quality kitty time in. She must have missed me a lot, because she never gets in my lap anymore and does not like to be held when you're sitting down. But she was a cuddle bug this weekend! Just look at her! I can't stand it!

 Picked up some amazing items at Goodwill for cheap, including a box set of the LoTR series for FIVE DOLLARS. The Lovely Bones has been continuesly recommended to me, and I found a copy in good shape so I picked it up. The knitting needles and all of the thread/yarn were in a pack for like $1.99. I could not believe my luck. And on top of these things, I got new dress pants, and two new shirts, one from J.Crew and one from Gap. 
I just love Goodwill.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram for more updates of WIP's and my daily life (plus lots of kitty photos). Love your butts!


  1. Good thrifting haul! I want to go to Savannah one day. I hear there's art and coffee and that's usually enough of a pull for me!

    1. Savannah is amazing! One of my favorite places to visit, you would love it!

  2. What a gorgeous space! I can imagine the acoustics had to have been incredible!

    1. Oh my goodness it was amazing! The All-College Choir sang A Boy and A Girl by Eric Whitacre, you bet I recorded it! I can't stop listening to it!

  3. What a gorgeous space! I can imagine the acoustics had to have been incredible!
