All in all, last week was a good week. I did, however, lose power at my school at home for almost two days. So, I spent a lot of time crocheting, as you saw in my last post. I thought we were rid of the horrid, cold, wet weather, but it is upon North Georgia once again. Which is particularly unfortunate because I'm supposed to go further north tomorrow to take the GACE program admissions test. Now, this test is basically the SAT, but is required as part of my certification to become a teacher in the great peach state. Because winter is coming at us in full force at the moment, I am having to reschedule this test now. -Sigh- OH YEAH, and did I mention is this my universities spring break? So, I'm currently at my parent's house with my cat (pictured in all her glory on the right), drinking some wood chuck hard cider, and thinking about what to crochet next.
Side note: I'm going to get my hair cut this Thursday! bye bye hair!
I have accomplished quite a lot over the past couple of days. I've gotten two orders for hats, and completed 3 others, as well as learned the wheat stitch and began work on my cousin's baby blanket.

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