My last post was in May of 2015... now here we are drawing 2018 to a close and so very much in my life has changed. I graduated college with my bachelors degree, had a few different jobs, got older, made new friends, grown as a person, got my first speeding ticket, added two more tattoos to my skin, got my nose pierced, dyed my hair green, laughed, loved, cried, moved on, struggled, and conquered. I think the most important difference in 2015 me and 2018 me is the degree of happiness and self confidence that I've been able to find, just in the past few months alone.

I don't crochet as much as I used to. I'm hoping resurrecting this blog will encourage me to get crafty again. I've also been learning to sew and am considering taking up knitting! I've also developed a strong interest and liking for make up, so be prepared for some make up related posts.
I'm pretty busy these days, which is not necessarily a bad thing (oh hey look at that I spelled 'necessarily' right on the first try). I currently work a part-time position in retail as well as teaching ukulele and children's choir at a local church, and being part of their adult choir. That on top of keeping up friendships, assisting in caring for my dad, and spending time with Christopher, I don't have a ~ton~ of free time to write, but I would like to try and make more time for it.
So here we are!
(Also don't get attached to the green hair. I love it, but it has to go to make room for bigger and better life opportunities and adulting!)
Stay tuned.